Thursday, May 26, 2011

And in Other News...

The day began at 7:00 am this morning, and we loaded the bus for breakfast at MUBS at 7:45. I had my usual breakfast of toast, and we left there shortly after 8:30 to go to the Daily Monitor, an independently owned newspaper in Uganda.

The Daily Monitor is the second largest newspaper in Uganda, and it's the biggest independently owned paper. It is printed daily, in English. It was really interesting learning about the paper and some of the challenges it faces since the biggest newspaper company is the New Vision, which is owned by the government. Another problem arises, with the fact that the constitution states that there is freedom of the press in Uganda. However, the government doesn't truly allow freedom of the press. The editor of the Daily Monitor today told us how the government has tried to prevent them from publishing certain articles because they don't want the readers to find out. They have even arrested reporters or taken their gear. The reporters that were arrested were charged with CRIMINAL penalties too, which really surprised me. However, they usually aren't actually charged because in court they bring up the constitution and the section that talks about freedom of the press. When some of their reporters go to 'get the scoop', they wear bullet proof vests to protect themselves. Pretty scary stuff! The editor told us that they do compensate their legal fees and medical bills if they are arrested or injured on assignment since they know their job is a risk to their lives.

(The printing press)

We were suppose to visit the New Vision today as well, but they had some kind of conflict. Our visit has been rescheduled for next week (at least for now, we'll see if that stays the same), and I'm really interested in hearing the different view points since it's owned by the government.

After visiting the Daily Monitor, we went to the hotel that a friend of Dr. Senteza owns for lunch and a little relaxation by the pool. Lunch today consisted of chicken, rice, and potatoes.

(Part of the hotel)


Next it was time for a run. My run didn't last real long because it was so hot in the room, and they didn't have fans or any form of air circulation. It was really hot today and humid. It was probably in the 90s, once again assuming I'm good at estimating temperatures.

(Yeah, it's not me running, but I promise I did...after I took pictures)

A cool down in the pool definitely sounded good after the run, so I got in my suit and went for a dip. However, due to the change of our schedule (since we were suppose to be at the hotel in the morning and the Daily monitor in the afternoon) a group of school children arrived for swimming lessons. We let them have the pool since there was a LOT more of them. Instead I settled down on my towel and chatted with the MUBS students and read some of a book I brought, and I soaked up the rays (after applying sunscreen of course). It was just what we all needed.

(They all seemed really excited for their swimming lessons.)

The afternoon was interrupted with a shower of rain, but it only lasted about 30 minutes before the sun was out and the cement was dry again.

We had the supper at the hotel as well. It was delicious. Tonight I ate, more chicken, chapatti, a roll, potato fries, rice and cake (though it's nothing like cake in the United States). During and after supper, I got in a lot of conversation with the MUBS students, and I started to learn quite a few Lugandan words. It gave them a good laugh since I struggled with the pronunciation the first few times. But I'm learning and having a great time with it. The plan is to learn a few new phrases everyday. Who knows, maybe I'll come back fluent ;)

(supper tonight)

Tomorrow we are having discussion about what we've experienced so far (this is a class after all) and visiting a pharmacy in the morning! I'm so excited. Our afternoon is going to be filled with visiting IGG, which I'm not really sure what it is, but I'll find out tomorrow.

So until then....

(as requested, a little bit of Kampala)

Sorry this post was late. We had some internet issues last night. Enjoy anyway :)

1 comment:

jeffrey.pilz said...

I like the title ;) Very nice pictures too, especially of the hotel and printing press. It looks beautiful there!