Friday, May 13, 2011

Home...For Now

Home at last after the longest semester of my college career. The worst part of being home, knowing that in five days I will be leaving again, so this short time spent at home will be a rush of unpacking, doing laundry and preparing for the trip of a lifetime. Excitement continues to grow for my upcoming trip though.

This week I received my travel journal for while I'm in Uganda. Each day we are responsible for journaling about the events of the day, and we have to have questions prepared to ask the speakers for the day. Therefore, writing questions is also on my 'To Do' List.

I also received some pretty snazzy luggage tags along with my final flight schedule. I will be leaving Des Moines at 1:38pm on May 18th and landing in Kampeche, Uganda at 10:15pm on May 19th. Sure, there's an eight hour time difference, but that is still almost 25 hours of traveling in order to even get to my destination! A destination that is 8020 miles away (yep, thanks for that Jeff :)...assuming I were to travel straight from Des Moines to Kampeche. Talk about a long way from home...

While I have absolutely enjoyed the few hours that I have been home, I can't wait to leave for Uganda. It's so close, and there is definitely a lot of excitement in the air. If only there was less to do in order to be ready to actually leave... The goal for this weekend: finish unpacking, get all of my laundry done, and have all my questions ready. Packing can wait until Monday, right?

1 comment:

jeffrey.pilz said...

Almost time to leave! This is exciting it's so close, but also kind of upsetting its only been a week since you've been home. I hope its warmer and less rainy there too. Good luck with repacking, too bad you just got to take everything out of the suitcases. I still am working to get my pile into my room and actually stay organized, we'll see. Miss you, only 3 more days!