Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No More Counting....It's Here!

The wait is over, and I am no longer counting anything down (until I get homesick anyway ;)

Yep, I'm finally leaving for Uganda. The suitcases are packed (and under their 50 lbs. weight limits) and almost loaded. I have some food from home, to prevent immediate starvation, and I think I am about as ready as I ever will be for this trip.

The time has gone so fast. I'm pretty sure I never actually thought today would come, and I was just dreaming I would really be leaving for Africa. In fact, I'm still not quite sure it's completely sunk in yet! My dad and I will be leaving shortly to head for the Des Moines airport, and then at approximately 1:38pm, I will be on my way to Detroit, then to Amsterdam, and finally on to Kampeche!

How am I feeling? Definitely super excited! However, there are definitely plenty of butterflies in my tummy to go along with it.

This is journey of a lifetime is beginning.

Uganda, ready or not, here I come...


Unknown said...

I believe a am a stalker, I mean a follower of your blog now. You wrote an excellent little story for today, can't wait to read about the rest of your trip. Enjoy every minute and know that your family is missing you and keeping you in our prayers. (Well maybe not Brother, but I will talk to him about his attitude)Love you and stay safe.

Unknown said...

how longer are u gone be safe love greatest aunt vicki

jeffrey.pilz said...

It is finally here! Congrats on staying under the 50lbs. limit, make sure your favorite bag doesn't get lost ;) I like the picture too, makes your blog the best for sure. It's really hot and muggy here, made me think of how bad it might be in Africa. Hope you are having fun, can't wait to hear about the adventures. Miss you!